How to Use Email Help Tool for PBE and Hosted Exchange

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Your Premium Business Email and Hosted Exchange come with a support tool with everything you need to set up your email client on desktop and mobile devices. You also have access to troubleshooting and repair information in case you run into issues during and after the webmail client setup. If you have Premium Business Email Plus, the email help tool will allow you to set up your Cloud Drive for document storage and sharing as well as learn how to use Mobile Sync for your device setups.

Log into the Email Help Tool using your administrator credentials to get started.

email help tool login page
Once in the home page of the support tool, you can:

Use the above links to be directed to the section for instructions.

Set Up Email Client

In this section, you will find instructions to download the webmail client to your computer, phone, table and configuration information. Just click the Set Up My Email icon on the home page of help tool and select the device you want to set up.

setup email link highlighted

devices setup home page

Computer Setups

computer setup link

The configuration for computers is done by the operating system, you have the option to set up by:

  • Windows: Choose from Outlook 2007 to 2016, or configure manually for other email clients you have set up.
  • OS X: Select your Apple Mail, Outlook or configure additional clients.
  • Linux: Find the instructions to set up through POP, IMAP and SMTP configurations.

Mobile Device and Tablet Setups

mobile setup links highlighted

Configuration of a mobile device will depend on the type of device:

  • Apple/IOS: Set up via IMAP or POP.
  • Android: Configuration will depend on the manufacturer of your device.
  • Windows: If you are using a Windows phone, you will set your email up via Mobile Sync, IMAP, or POP.
  • Blackberry: Configuration will depend on the operating system of your Blackberry device.

Other Configurations

Here you will find the settings for your Hosted Exchange mailbox.

other device setup link

Fix My Email

Our Heroic Support team is happy to help you with the setup of your email client on your desktop and mobile device, but any connectivity issues will be the responsibility of your internet service provider or cell phone service provider.

If you are experiencing issues with sending, receiving, spam, passwords, calendars, contacts, or connecting to your email, you can find common fixes and troubleshooting in the Fix Something section of the help tool. Select the email client you are having trouble with to find articles and tools to help you troubleshoot the issue.

fix something button highlighted
Select the email client you are having trouble with to find articles and tools to help you troubleshoot the issue.
email client help

Additional Resources

You can find the answers to commonly asked questions and quick tips for your email. Use the search bar and see articles in the help tool knowledgebase to help troubleshoot and learn how to use your Premium Business Email.

help article list

Premium Business Email Plus

Get access to Cloud Drive and Mobile Sync with the Premium Business Email Plus email product.

Cloud Drive

Access your documents, spreadsheets, and other files from anywhere. Just click on the operating system for installation instructions.

cloud drive home page

Mobile Sync

Use Mobile Sync for your hosted mailbox to sync your webmail with your iPhone or Windows mailbox application on your phone.

  1. Select Set Up Email from the links under Tools on the home page.
    setup email link highlighted
  2. Choose Phone from the device list.Set up phone
  3. Select your mobile device from the list.
    mobile device list
  4. Select Mobile Sync from the menu and follow the instructions for setup either with Webmail or Outlook.
    mobile sync link
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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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