Discover the joyous wonders of using WP-CLI with your WordPress instance! In our WordPress Command Line tutorials, we'll show you how to do a range of site administrative tasks right through your terminal.

How to Install WP-CLI

Posted on by David Singer
Reading Time: 3 minutes

WP-CLI is a command line tool for interacting with and managing WordPress sites. WP-CLI is very similar in functionality to what Drush provides Drupal. If you are already familiar with using cli tools then this will be quick to pick up on. If not, then it may be a good time to start learning.

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Using WP-CLI With Your WordPress Optimized Template Site

Posted on by dpepper | Updated:
Category: Series | Tags: WordPress, WP-CLI
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Using the Command Line Tools

Liquid Web’s WordPress Optimized Template servers come with a pre-installed set of command-line tools designed to simplify common site maintenance tasks. WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) can be accessed via SSH, and allows you to do nearly anything that can be done from within the WordPress admin interface.

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