Tag: System

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Provided that you have access to the Liquid Web SAN you will need to set up your iSCSI initiator so that you can access your volume. Read on to find out how.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

BFD (Brute Force Detection) is a critically important part of protecting your server from malicious attacks.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Getting Plesk to listen for SMTP connections on an alternate port is not that difficult to do. However, unlike a cPanel environment, configuring Plesk to do so must be done outside the control panel via the command line.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you unable to connect to your server to send and receive email, log into cPanel or WHM, or make an FTP or SSH connection?

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File Upload Problems

Posted on by Josh Escobedo | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Using Softaculous, a new CMS(Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Mambo has been installed on your website.  It does not matter which CMS is installed, they all need to be able to write files on the server. However, they could show “permission denied” errors during the first-time setup or the first time an upload is attempted via their built-in web interface.  This can happen when using DSO or CGI as the PHP handler. With either handler, php scripts by default run as the Apache user “nobody”, and the webserver software (usually Apache) needs to have write access to a user’s files to avoid this error.

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