SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is the most secure way to upload files to your site. Discover how you can install, configure and utilize many of the popular SFTP clients.

Reading Time: 17 minutes

In this article, we will denote the security best practices for 2020 and beyond. Because security is such a challenging subject for many, it often goes unheeded, and as such, many are caught unaware when an issue arises. By following these best practices, you can significantly lower your risk of being compromised by a malicious actor.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Configuring Multi-User FTP with User Isolation

This article is intended to give an overview of a chroot environment and configuring your FTP service for user isolation. This is done with a few lines within the main configuration file of the FTP service.

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What is SSH?

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

SSH, or secure shell, is a network protocol used for secure network communications and remote command execution. Common use cases for SSH include: controlling computers remotely and securing network services. A great example of securing other services is the SFTP protocol which uses SSH to securely connect to a server and FTP to transfer the files.

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Uploading Files to Cloud Sites Using FTP

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pre-flight Check:

  • Basic knowledge of FTP client usage is recommended.
  • These instructions assume you already have an FTP client installed on your computer.
  • A Liquid Web account with the Cloud Sites product will be necessary to follow along.

Upload site files to Cloud Sites via FTP

You may have heard of FTP—File Transfer Protocol. FTP moves files from your local computer to your website. However, FTP is not a secure file transfer method. Malicious attacks often target FTP.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is probably the most popular method of uploading files to a server; a wide array of FTP servers, such as ProFTPD, and clients exist for every platform.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

FileZilla is one of the most popular cross-platform FTP clients around. Here’s how to add an FTP user to the client.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the most common tasks that a website owner will do is upload one or more files to their site. While it is a simple task, there are many ways to go about accomplishing it, each with their own quirks and best practices.

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Using SFTP and SCP Instead of FTP

Posted on by Jay Allen | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

One simple way to improve your Linux server’s security is to use SFTP or SCP instead of regular FTP.

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