Tag: Plesk

Check out our Plesk related articles as we touch on the many options of this control panel including how to renew an SSL certificate.

Understanding the Plesk Control Panel

Posted on by Ronald Caldwell | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you are looking for an easy way to manage your web hosting server, Plesk is an excellent option. This article will briefly look at Plesk and highlight some features you may find compelling with the Plesk control panel.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
Windows Active DIrectory


This article will discuss the importance of Active Directory (AD), along with what it is, what it does, installation, and configuration. We must state in advance that there have been entire books written about AD. While we will touch on the significant aspects of its functionality, more in-depth information can be found online.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

In part one of How to Troubleshoot SMTP Errors, we reviewed email status codes, internal reasons for email issues, and troubleshooting steps to address those issues. In part two of this series, we will examine some of the external reasons for email issues. 

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

What is SMTP?

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol used to transmit email between corresponding email servers. Using an email client like Mac Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, or web clients like Gmail or Windows Live, SMTP can send messages to an email server. Although SMTP was initially designed as an email transport and delivery system, it later encompassed the email submission protocols that are now in use by both the Post Office Protocol (POP) and the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). The above-noted email clients use these protocols to retrieve email from an email server. When this system fails, it provides the means to identify and resolve SMTP errors.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this article, we discuss Windows logging, using the event viewer, and the windows log storage locations.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

By default, Plesk typically stores backups on the server. This can, however, present a risk if the hard drive or RAID fails on the server. If this ever occurs, you can possibly lose both data and your backups. To avoid this situation, Liquid Web recommends storing additional backups in a remote storage location.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

In October, Oakley Capital, the parent company of cPanel and Plesk, announced a pricing increase to their current cPanel and Plesk licensing structure, which will take effect on January 1, 2022. While we understand that incremental price increases from providers happen occasionally, Liquid Web does our very best to try and limit the costs that we have to pass on to our customers.

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How to Upgrade PHP on Windows

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Performing an upgrade to PHP on Windows Server

Keeping your software and applications up to date is a crucial part of maintaining security and stability in your web hosting systems. Unfortunately, updating system components and back-end software can sometimes be a frustrating and a difficult process. However, thanks to Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer, upgrading PHP on a Windows server with IIS is as simple as a few clicks.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this article, we explain how to use Remote Desktop to access your Windows server's desktop from anywhere in the world. On a normal Windows computer, you have a keyboard, monitor, and mouse that allow you to interact with the machine. For Windows VPS servers hosted on the Internet, things are a bit different because your server could physically be thousands of miles away. To access the desktop of an Internet-hosted server, Microsoft has created a feature known as Remote Desktop.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


When reviewing your servers security, it is critical for businesses to ensure that while building new sections of your website, that we do not leave it unsecured or visible to users while it is being built. With this in mind, there are several ways for you to “lock” a folder or domain while it is being developed. This will safeguard a folder or an entire site using the security feature built into IIS and Plesk called password protection. In today’s article we will see how easy it is to restrict access to a site or a folder.

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