Tag: cPanel

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this next series of articles, we will be doing a side by side comparison of the main features of both InterWorx/SiteWorx vs. cPanel/WHM. We offer this information to assist our clients in choosing the right product to fit their needs. Let’s dive right in…

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this article, we will be doing a sensible review of four of the major control panels that we encounter most often on a VPS server. These management panels include:

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Top 5 Reasons To Use CentOS 7

Posted on by Jake St.Amour | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When you’re considering which Operating System to use for web hosting, there are many options available to you. We’re going to discuss 5 reasons you should choose CentOS 7 and the strengths of the platform. CentOS has been the preferred Linux distribution in the hosting industry for many years, and it was only recently that this distro was overtaken by Ubuntu Server as the primary OS used for web hosting.

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How To Enable Server Backups in WHM/cPanel

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The most important thing you can do to protect your server against data loss is to take regular backups. Properly configured backups are a critical aspect of the maintenance of any website and can mean the difference between a quick recovery and rebuilding a site from scratch. If a critical file were to be deleted accidentally, a database became irreparably corrupted, or your site was infected with malware, would you be able to restore your data and get your site back up within a few minutes? 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is cPanel? 

cPanel is a server control panel which allows users the ability to access and automate our Cloud Dedicated, VPS, and  Dedicated server tasks and, provides the tools needed to manage the overall server, their applications, and websites.  CPanel_logoSome features include the capability to modify php versions, creating individual cPanel accounts, adding FTP users, installing SSL’s, configuring security settings, and installing packages to name a few. cPanel and WHM have a vast range of customizations and configurations that can be completed to further personalize your platform specifically for your needs.  It also includes 24/7 support from cPanel as well.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes


Functionality for Python web applications can lead to increased profitability as a result of a broader offering of technologies to any current or future customers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Mail Queue Manager feature in WHM allows you to view, delete, and attempt to deliver queued emails that have not yet left the server. It can be a handy tool for diagnosing a variety of issues with mail deliverability, such as spotting signs of a compromised account sending spam from the server.

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An Intro to React JS

Posted on by Jonai Alvarez | Updated:
Reading Time: 8 minutes

In our modern world of smartphones and applications, it is more important than ever to have a fast, responsive website that impresses your visitors. Created by the development team at Facebook, ReactJS is a JavaScript ‘framework’ or method of building web pages and apps that can ‘react’ to user interaction and external changes. ReactJS does this via components that can refresh themselves and their contents without a page reload. Better still, these components are modular. This concept means they can be coded quickly (called ‘hacking’ in the ReactJS community) and reused easily between projects.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In our last tutorial, we showed you how to install Apache’s mod_fcgid and provided Linux scripts to assist in transitioning from mod_php. In this next section, we’ll be discussing how to configure a baseline setting for PHP optimization.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

When it comes to PHP execution, mod_fcgid (also called FCGI) is one of the heavyweight contenders. There are a few rival handlers, like PHP-FPM or mod_lsapi, which come close to matching its execution speed, but they generally leave something to be desired when it comes to fine-tuning and resource consumption. FCGI is built for speed and includes a myriad of Apache directives that can be leveraged for resource regulation.

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