How to Install an Object Storage Python Library (boto)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

boto is a python library that enables a user to interact with Storm Object Storage, as well as other web services by Amazon, Google, and OpenStack.

Pre-Flight Check

  • These instructions are intended specifically for installing boto, a python library for managing Storm Object Stores.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 7 server, and I’ll be logged in as root.
Step 1: Verify Python

As of March 2015, all features work with Python 2.6 and 2.7.

How to Check and Verify the Version of Python

Step 2: Verify That Pip is Installed

How to Install Pip on CentOS 7

Step 3: Install boto

Let’s install boto with Pip:

pip install boto

If you’re upgrading an existing boto installation, then use the –upgrade option:

pip install --upgrade boto

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About the Author: J. Mays

As a previous contributor, JMays shares his insight with our Knowledge Base center. In our Knowledge Base, you'll be able to find how-to articles on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and much more!

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