Author: Matthew Stevens

I'm a system administrator, developer, and I'm constantly improving and learning new skills. In my spare time I keep myself in shape with dancing... breakdancing!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A symbolic link, also known as a soft link or symlink, is a special file pointing to another file or directory using an absolute or relative path. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts in Windows and are useful when you need quick access to files or folders with long paths.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

AWK stands for “Aho Weinberg Kernighan” and are the last names of people who invented it: Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberg, and Brian Kernighan. The purpose of AWK is to search existing files to find lines that match certain patterns. It is a full scripting language, as well as a complete text manipulation toolkit. It is data-driven, meaning you define a set of actions to be performed on provided text, and it sends results to standard output.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

A pipe is a form of redirection in Linux used to connect the STDOUT of one command into the STDIN of a second command. It allows us to narrow the output of a string of commands until we have an easily digestible amount of data. The pipe character is the | symbol and is placed between any two commands. Pipes are one of the most used command-line features that Linux has. Every article showing Linux commands will almost inevitably include pipes. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Git?


Git is the most commonly used VCS (Version Control System) today. Git is a free distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during development. It is installed and maintained on your local system. It is designed mainly for orchestrating work among developers. But, it can also be used for tracking changes in any set of files.

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