Author: Dayne Larsen

Dayne was born into IT and remembers taking notes as a kid on old mainframe punch cards his mom brought home. With a degree in Technology Education from Montana State University, he enjoys being a helpful human to clients and loves to empower people to tackle challenges. He has worn many hats in his day, from a stay-at-home Dad, to a freelance web designer, LEGO company Merchandiser and even an antique store owner. In his free time you will find him fly fishing, snowboarding, working on his 66' Mustang, home improving, or enjoying his family.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Downtime for any web professional leads to upset customers, management pressure, lost profits, and damages to a business’s reputation. VMware high availability (HA) with distributed resource scheduler (DRS) capabilities help to mitigate downtime while keeping all virtual machines (VMs) running optimally. We will discuss VMware HA and DRS and why you should choose VMware for any business.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

There are many advantages to our Managed Private Cloud powered by VMware setups, and one of them is the Acronis backup service. If you don’t have Acronis Cyber Backups, they are currently available for both our managed and unmanaged Dedicated Servers, Cloud Server Clusters, and VMware deployments. We will review how to complete file restorations when using the Acronis appliance on a VMware deployment in this how to.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Full Cloudflare Website Integration

In this article, we will discuss how to set up our domain in a full Cloudflare configuration. This will allow us to take full advantage of their many DNS features, increased speed, Railgun options, and other amazing features that full domain integration allows. 

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