Three Tips To Help Your Creative Agency Turn A Profit In Reseller Hosting

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Creative agencies have a lot to gain from running a reseller program, especially smaller ones. Many of their clients are still relatively new to the web and will be looking for a hosting solution in addition to a design firm. By becoming a reseller host, they can provide clients with both – they make life easier for the client, and bring in some residual income in the process.

Assuming they do things right, mind you. It is easier than you might think to mess up as a reseller. And if you do, your reputation might never recover.

The good news is that if you know the right stuff going in, you will not run into any trouble. To that end, here are a few tips to help your agency ace its job as a reseller.

Always Do Your Research

Likely as not, you and your colleagues are unfamiliar with web hosting. If you are to find success as a reseller, this must change. Familiarize yourself with the different products and services your company will offer as a reseller, and the technical aspects of supporting them. This guide from  Who Is Hosting This is a great place to start.

Additionally, read up on what different reseller hosts charge and offer, or ask your host what a good price might be – Liquid Web’s reseller program is a good place to start.  

Take The Time To Understand Your Software

As a reseller, you will make use of a number of different tools. To name a few examples:  

  • A helpdesk solution/ticket management software
  • eCommerce software
  • An admin control panel

Generally, this software will be provided by your host, and it may be up to you to learn your way around it. Set up a test site to help you learn your way around, and ask your host for support if you run into any technical challenges you cannot solve yourself. Most software used in the hosting space also has extensive documentation online – a brief Google search should be all you need to find a wealth of information on your tools.

Do Some Writing

Lastly, you will want to create terms of use for your clients, as well as hosting agreements/hosting plans. Tap into your host for advice on generating these important documents, and when in doubt, speak to an attorney. Legalese is not the only thing you will want to take care of, either.

You should also draft a pre-written ‘thank you’ email for clients who have signed up which include access codes, URLS, and email information.  Finally, add a section to your website pertaining to your reseller program. Beyond that, advise sales and support staff to inform clients that they can choose to host with your company.

Sell Away

For a creative agency, becoming a reseller makes a great deal of sense. Your clients are already coming to you for design work. Why not let them host with you, as well? They are saved the effort of having to seek a host on their own, and you get a tidy new revenue stream to tap into – as well as repeat business from your clients.

Done right, it is a win all around. Interested? Apply here today!


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Liquid Web

Liquid Web powers online content, commerce, and potential for SMB entrepreneurs and the designers, developers and digital agencies who create for them. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with our latest content.

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