Introducing a New Brand for our Growing Suite of WordPress Tools

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For over 24 years, our Liquid Web Family of Brands has delivered technology and support for businesses and nonprofits running mission-critical websites, stores, and apps. We’ve built a family of brands totally devoted to web and cloud professionals like you, including businesses, nonprofits, designers, developers, and agencies.

Website hosting is what we do. But our hosting expertise also goes hand-in-hand with understanding the tools website owners need in order to run their businesses.

WordPress provides the foundation to many of our customers’ online businesses. We also know that WordPress powers nearly 40% of the web—this robust content management system is highly customizable and accessible for beginners and developers alike.

Over the past few years, our Liquid Web Family of Brands has strategically grown its presence in the WordPress space by adding software companies like iThemes, The Events Calendar, Restrict Content Pro, and KadenceWP to our portfolio. Now, we’ve decided it’s time to introduce a new arm of our business to serve as the umbrella brand for all of our software offerings: StellarWP.

StellarWP will house all of the WordPress plugins and services we’ve acquired, which include some of the most beloved and dependable tools in the industry. Just like our users rely on us at Liquid Web for their managed WordPress hosting needs, we are confident that StellarWP will become the go-to resource for users in search of products that will take their sites and businesses to the next level.

The introduction of StellarWP also comes on the heels of our latest acquisition; GiveWP and WP Business Reviews recently joined the Liquid Web family. These tools help streamline philanthropic efforts through collecting donations on a WordPress site and other features designed to support nonprofits and charities.

We’re committed to empowering all of our brands to flourish within StellarWP. GiveWP will continue to fulfill their mission of “Code for Good” while retaining their entire team in the transition, just as the iThemes, The Events Calendar, and Kadence teams have continued their work creating best-in-class plugins as members of our family.

We’re excited to better serve our customers by focusing the entire StellarWP brand on ensuring excellence in WordPress plugins and services. With all of our WordPress products together under a unified brand, customers will be able to easily find solutions, whether they need a tool to enhance eCommerce or ramp up security.

StellarWP plugins also have a track record of longevity. Customers can rest assured that their plugins are crafted by a highly skilled team of WordPress experts. Plus, our software and services offer the same human touch and premium customer support that our users have come to expect from Liquid Web managed hosting. When you choose a StellarWP plugin, you enjoy peace of mind knowing that all of our software and services will continue to be supported tomorrow and beyond.

To stay in the loop on StellarWP announcements, news, and acquisitions, subscribe to their mailing list.

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About the Author

Joe Oesterling

Joe Oesterling is the Chief Technology Officer at Liquid Web and manages our many products, oversees our eCommerce functionality, and leads our technology and development team. Joe has spent decades creating mission critical platforms that not only scale to high numbers of users, but are also fast, secure, and resilient. His experience with Clearleap, Cbeyond, and the big technology titans (IBM, Sony, Booz-Allen, and Capital One) taught him that focus is a key element for achieving results with any business.

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