Liquid Web Receives Energy Award Second Year in a Row

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For the second year in a row, Liquid Web has been named the Million Kilowatt Hour Efficiency Partner Award recipient. This honor, given by the Lansing Board of Water and Light, is awarded to recognize our ongoing energy improvements to reduce our data centers’ energy footprint significantly. Previous award winners have included General Motors, Auto-Owners Insurance, Boji Towers, Lansing Schools, and McLaren Hospital.

The award comes from continuous efforts on behalf of our team to move forward energy projects. These energy reduction initiatives have included:

  • LED lighting conversion.
  • Reduction in wattage used by our Lansing data center.
  • Replacing the HVAC system used to cool the data center and server equipment.

Reducing our energy intake is better for the planet and is another step toward energy efficiency, which is resulting in remarkable savings.

Liquid Web’s systems are designed to last decades. Our improvements amount to 12 million dollars in energy saved over previous spends with legacy systems. And the goals of further savings and even greater efficiency levels continue for the team at Liquid Web.

It is all made possible by our innovative and hardworking Helpful Humans.

Some of the Facilities Team that make these projects happen:
L-R: Mark Adrian, Brian Labar, Nikki Roden, Aaron Reif, Kearn Reif, John Page, Jon Gensch

Liquid Web facilities team for energy award

Here are the prime movers of energy efficiency projects:
L-R: Alison Gray, Mark Adrian, Aaron Reif

Alison GrayMark AdrianAaron Reif

In addition to the incredible work on behalf of our Facilities, Reclamations, System Restore, and Development Teams, this sort of energy efficiency is made possible because our data centers are privately owned. That means that the operating environment is entirely controlled by Liquid Web to ensure optimal performance. As a result, our wholly owned data centers save a tremendous amount of energy and are more secure and reliable than leased data centers.

Liquid Web is committed to an ongoing and innovative energy savings campaign. Working diligently toward unceasing reduction of the carbon footprint left by our data centers is one of the many ways we pledge to serve our customers—and the planet.

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About the Author

Mayra Pena

Mayra Pena, is the former Communications Manager at Liquid Web and has over 10 years of experience in technology. Her passion is being a Helpful Human by creating and sharing valuable content for the Liquid Web community.

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