Meet a Helpful Human – Carley Johnson

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Responsive, helpful, and dedicated in ways automation simply can't be. We're your team.

Each month, we recognize one of our Most Helpful Humans in Hosting®. 

Meet Carley Johnson

Creative by nature, Carley Johnson took as many art classes as possible when she was a student. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration and Certificate in Web Design at the University of the Arts, where she worked in various roles as a work-study student, then as a full-time employee. Her most prominent role was Senior Administrative Assistant in the President's Office. After that, Johnson transitioned to the field of tech at a software company called Tamman Inc. She earned her CPACC certification in Web Accessibility before beginning work as a freelance Digital Designer. 

Now, Johnson works at Liquid Web as a Marketing Web and Content Specialist. 

Helpful Human Carley Johnson

Why did you join Liquid Web?

I remembered seeing Liquid Web's table at Wordcamp in 2019 and thinking, "Those people are really nice!" (I also loved the logo!) A few years later, when I applied to my current position, I realized it was the same company that had made such an impression on me at Wordcamp—Liquid Web! I was beyond excited and crossed my fingers as I went through the interview process. Now, I'm working for a great company and doing web design full time. I couldn't be happier.

What draws you to the Hosting Industry as a career?

I saw it as a new opportunity to learn more about a section of the Technology Industry after working for five years in Higher Education and software for one year. I’ve always had a love for using technology in general. This mostly came from playing video games and surfing the Internet from a young age. 

Is there something specific at Liquid Web that you just love?

I love the day-to-day work of designing and updating web pages. But the thing that truly makes it a pleasure to work at Liquid Web is the people. My colleagues are always willing to help solve any problem that is brought to the table with understanding and sensitivity.

What's your favorite part about the company culture at Liquid Web?

Everyone has a "can do" attitude and is dedicated to solving problems, both for our customers and internally amongst our departments. Roadblocks don't stop us, and we treat them as challenges that we will surmount as a team. I love that people don’t throw things to the backburner when they are difficult. It is extremely refreshing to be part of an atmosphere of dedicated customer advocates.

In your eyes, what's the difference between Liquid Web and other employers?

At Liquid Web, kindness goes along with professionalism. At previous companies I have worked at, while diplomacy was present, there was a lack of compassion in discussions that left the conversation a bit lacking. At Liquid Web, conversations internally and externally happen with both candor and empathy, which creates the best possible outcomes for our customers.

What are you known for at Liquid Web? What do people specifically come to you for?

I'm the go-to person on the Marketing Web Team for design knowledge, web accessibility, and getting the website content updated. My goals are to make the website visually appealing and more consumable for everyone on the spectrum of ability. Many sites, even today, are not built to ensure all possible audiences can consume the content, namely images and videos having alternative text to explain what is conveyed in the media. Liquid Web is working hard to ensure our site is accessible.

Work aside, what are some of your hobbies?

My absolute favorite hobby is taking care of house plants and growing herbs for cooking. In close second is playing video games, preferably RPGs on the Playstation.

What is your favorite TV show?

Right now, my favorite show is My Hero Academia. Who doesn't like an anime about a society where everyone has gained a unique ability and being a hero can be a studied occupation!

What is your favorite app?

Spotify! My music library is just as precious to me as my paintings from art school. My music is both an expression of myself and a way to experience new hits and old classics while at work.

If you could have dinner with one famous person [dead or alive], who would it be?

Utada Hikaru, the Japanese-American popstar. I've loved their music since I was a young teen. I think that they are such a worldly and poetic person. I'd love to discuss their creative process and just pick their brain.

You can follow Carley Johnson on LinkedIn.
We hope you enjoyed our series, and stay tuned for the next Most Helpful Human in Hosting® profile.
Tagged with: Helpful Humans
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About the Author

Todd Terwillegar

Todd Terwillegar is the Digital Content Marketing Manager and Editor-in-Chief for the Liquid Web Blog, helping growing web businesses and enterprises thrive with the latest trends and technologies. Todd has been published with several global brands on the topics of marketing, SEO, and blogging, including Nexcess & Uberflip. You can follow Todd on LinkedIn.

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